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Working toward Success: Alain Nunez


Alain Nunez sits at a computer, looking over the screen to find what needs done next to ensure it is in full working order for the next user. He is completing his 8-week paid internship at the Full Employment Council assisting in the IT department. At age 23, Alain is still deciding what he wants to do next and what path he wants to take for his future.

Starting something new

Alain heard about the FEC from another organization helping young people in the community. Within the first week of coming to the offices, Alain was identified as a great candidate for the paid internship funded by the Job League. FEC’s Job League is open for anyone aged 16-24. Alain was actually surprised to learn he was eligible for funding, not realizing that someone in their early 20s can still be considered a youth within some of the available programs, and that one of those programs was a paid internship.

“I was excited to learn they would pay me to work and get some work experience for when I get a job.” - Alain Nunez

With this paid internship, Alain can add money to his bank account while gaining valuable work experience that he can carry with him on his journey as he decides his next steps. “I really feel the need to get my GED, because once I get that I think I’m going to find out more about what I like,” said Nunez. Once his 8-weeks are up as an intern, Alain will work with the FEC to earn his high school equivalency certification and explore his options.

More on the horizon

When he’s not dreaming of his next trick move on the skateboard, Alain imagines what is next for him. “My vision for the future is to get my GED, to get a job in a career that I like and enjoy,” he said. He has considered the Army as part of his next step, but also likes the idea of studying. “I like studying, so I might keep going to school, and I’ve heard there’s training here [at the FEC] that can help.”

Aside from the Job League, the Full Employment Council offers an array of services for those looking for what’s next. Residents of Cass, Clay, Jackson, Platte and Ray who are as young as 14 can become members and get one-on-one help to learn about available options and start their career exploration. The FEC can find free training in in-demand career paths, job openings with partners who give priority hiring to members, plus aid in the funding of work clothes and transportation needs.

Because of the above, Alain knows that he can be confident moving forward and the team behind him is also confident he will find success.

“I would highly recommend the FEC because it can help you out to get a job that you’re looking for [and] help you every step of the way.” Are you ready to start a career in Information Technology? Click here to get started!

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