The Full Employment Council is proud to participate in National Apprenticeship Week 2024, celebrating apprenticeship successes, and highlighting the benefits of apprenticeships to employers and employees.
FEC CEO Clyde McQueen issued a proclamation for National Apprenticeship Week, which can be viewed here.
What is a Registered Apprenticeship Program?
Registered Apprenticeship is an industry-driven, high-quality career pathway where employers can develop and prepare their future workforce, and individuals can obtain paid work experience with a mentor, receive progressive wage increases, classroom instruction, and a portable, nationally-recognized credential. Registered Apprenticeships are industry-vetted and approved and validated by the U.S. Department of Labor or a State Apprenticeship Agency.
You can view a Fact Sheet about Apprenticeship here.
Registered Apprenticeship Programs enable and energize more employers to participate and provide them access to larger talent pools that have been trained for entry-level to management positions, thereby meeting industry demands and reducing unemployment rates across the country. Key elements of all Registered Apprenticeship programs include the following: - Industry Led - Programs are industry-vetted and approved to ensure alignment with industry standards and that apprentices are trained for highly skilled, high-demand occupations. - Paid Job - Apprenticeships are jobs! Apprentices earn progressive wage as their skills and productivity increase. - Structured On-the-Job Learning/Mentorship - Programs provide structured on-the-job training to prepare for a successful career, which includes instruction from an experienced mentor. - Supplemental Education - Apprentices are provided supplemental classroom education based on the employers unique training needs to ensure quality and success. - Diversity - Programs are designed to reflect the communities in which they operate through strong non-discrimination, anti-harassment, and recruitment practices to ensure access, equity, and inclusion. - Quality & Safety - Apprentices are afforded worker protections while receiving rigorous training to equip them with the skills they need to succeed and the proper training and supervision they need to be safe. - Credentials - Apprentices earn a portable, nationally-recognized credential within their industry.
LISC Honors FEC as Financial Empowerment Champion, Highlights Childhood Development Associate Registered Apprenticeship
Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) of Greater Kansas City has honored FEC as their Financial Empowerment Champion at their recent Thrive annual community development celebration, recognizing the work of the Full Employment Council and in particular the CDA Apprenticeship.
LISC’s Financial Empowerment Champion award honors an outstanding individual, organization, or initiative that supports individuals and/or families experiencing lower incomes as they strive to improve their long-term financial stability and create generational wealth.
CDA Apprenticeship Pilot Program Improving Retention, Raising Wages in Two Missouri Metro Areas
The Childhood Development Associate Registered Apprenticeship Training Program was conceptualized and managed by FEC in both the Kansas City and St. Louis regions, representing a large and geographically diverse area. This was the first workforce partnership to involve St. Louis and Kansas City regions. The program was funded by a $2.7 million grant from the Office of Higher Education and Workforce Development, utilizing American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds.
FEC supported 298 apprentices in the program in the Kansas City and St. Louis areas, with 11 participating employers.

Get Involved With Apprenticeship
Employers interested in learning more about apprenticeships, or who would like to participate, can email Rohina Behrmann.
FEC Clients who would like to learn more about apprenticeships can connect here.
About National Apprenticeship Week
NAW is a nationwide celebration where industry, labor, equity, workforce, education, and government leaders host events to showcase the successes and value of Registered Apprenticeship for re-building our economy, advancing racial and gender equity, and supporting underserved communities. NAW is an opportunity to highlight how Registered Apprenticeship, a proven and industry-driven training model, provides a critical talent pipeline that can help to address some of our nation’s pressing workforce challenges such as responding to critical supply chain demands and supporting a clean energy workforce, modernizing our cybersecurity response, addressing public health issues, and rebuilding our country’s infrastructure.
Ready to get involved? Contact us today!